Information given, pursuant to the General Regulation on Data Protection - Regulation (EU) 2016/679, to visitors to the website and users of the services offered by the same and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links.
L’Aurora ODV (Voluntary Organisation) adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016) and is aware of the importance of the personal data collected and their safe storage.
Following consultation of this site, data may be collected and processed anonymously or relating to identified and/or identifiable persons.
The Titular of personal data processing collected through the site (hereinafter, the "Site") is:
L'Aurora ODV  - Tax code: 95147100101 - Registered office: via degli Archi 39 r Genova - Telephone: 010 8480358- E-mail:
The names of the people, in their respective qualities and functions of Titular of the data processing and Responsible of the data processing of L’Aurora ODV, can be requested by those who believe they have title and right, at the E-mail address: The data processing connected to the web services of this site takes place at the headquarters of L’Aurora ODV (they are handled by personnel in charge of the processing itself) as well as at the company that takes care of the maintenance of the technological part of the site and therefore by its staff.
The methods by which L’Aurora ODV processes personal data are listed and described below.










L’Auroa ODV collects exclusively the data that the user voluntarily provides and the navigation data.
For the consultation of the "public" part of the site (ie the one freely accessible by each user), no provision of the user's personal data is foreseen.
For access to the reserved content part of the Site, (i.e. the one accessible only through registration, or for any possible contact with the L’Aurora ODV by the user through, for example, sending e-mails, electronic or traditional, at the addresses indicated on the Site, the user's data must be considered acquired and, therefore, treated in full compliance with current legislation.
Among the data provided voluntarily by the user will be acquired personal data such as:
- first name, last name, date of birth, body to which you belong, position held, email address;
- any images of identification documents uploaded on the Site;
- any registration data addressed to our Site (e.g. email and password);
- the data of volunteers, employees, customers, suppliers, etc., that the user will voluntarily upload.
Among the navigation data will be collected:
- IP addresses;
- URI addresses - Uniform Resource Identifier - of required resources;
- time and method used to formulate requests to the server;
- numeric code about the status of the response made by the server (successful, error, etc.);
Navigation data are related to the user's operating system and computer environment whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. Although this information is not collected to be associated with identified interested persons, by its nature it could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow to identify users.
L’Aurora ODV does not transmit personal data to third parties without the owner's explicit consent, unless requested by the competent investigative, judicial or police bodies.


The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. When you access the site, the information is automatically stored in a log file and specifically is kept track of: date and time of access, IP address, open link, information on the web browser and operating system, amount of data transferred, error code and user name in the case of personalized access (these data are collected when you visit any other website).
These data are saved for security reasons (the data collected could for example be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes to the detriment of the site) and to consent to the performance of the usual activities regarding the offers of services.
The data sent by the user may also be evaluated for statistical purposes anonymously.
The personal data collected, are not transferred to third parties, are processed by L’Aurora ODV  in a lawful manner, according to correctness and in accordance with the directives of the Privacy Guarantor and kept for a time considered by L’Aurora ODV to be congruous with the EU Regulation 2016/679 and appropriate to the purposes for which they were collected.
The personal data entered can be processed, anonymously and aggregately, for statistical purposes and can also be used to carry out surveys on the quality of the service and to evaluate the degree of user satisfaction.
The optional explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site involves the necessary acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.
It is excluded the processing of particular data (sensitive and judicial) which, even if provided by the user, will be immediately deleted.
The user guarantees the veracity of the data entered on this site and responds to it in accordance with the law as, pursuant to art. 26 of Law 15/68, false declarations, falsity in acts and the use of false acts are punished according to the penal code and the relevant laws.
The user also assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through applications residing on this site and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the L’Aurora ODV from any responsibility towards third parties.
L’Aurora ODV does not guarantee in any way the veracity of the data inserted in the site by the users of the same.


All images, trademarks and other distinctive signs eventually used or referred to on this website belong to their respective owners.

Access to the site does not give the Navigator the right to use such trademarks and distinctive signs without the written permission of their respective and legitimate owners.


It is forbidden to reproduce, distribute, publish, copy, transmit, sell, adapt etc. the contents of the site. All material published on this Site is protected by intellectual and industrial property rights, in accordance with the regulations in force. The user acknowledges that all such rights (including, but not limited to, copyrights, patents, know-how, confidential information, database rights and trademark and design rights - whether registered or not) of the Site are conferred to "L'Aurora (ODV)" or to its licensors of rights. All intellectual property rights and start-up deriving from the use of the same conferred to the Society will be for the benefit of the Society.

The documentation, images, characters, graphics, software and other content of the site, as well as the presentation and processing of the same, and all codes and format scripts to implement the site, are the property of "L'Aurora (ODV)" or of third parties, and are protected by applicable law.

Access to the Site does not give the Navigator the right to appropriate, nor to reproduce, modify, distribute, republish, in any form, even partial, the information contained in it, without the express written permission of the company and/or the third party owner of the relative rights of exploitation and/or reproduction.


Cookies used by this site

This site uses or could use cookies to save or mark the user's browsing session and to perform other activities strictly necessary for its operation, for example in relation to traffic distribution or services provided. These Cookies include, for example, those for setting the language, country, currency or for the management of statistics by the site Titular.
The duration of technical cookies is limited to the browsing session, i.e. when the browser is closed (Explorer, Mozilla or others), the cookie is deactivated and is no longer used.
In some cases cookies are created that have a maximum life time of 2 years, specifically they record if you arrived on our site through a search engine, such as Google, and have the express purpose of measuring the effect of advertising campaigns on Search Engines.
Cookies are stored on the user's computer and only cookies on the user's computer are identified in order to ascertain whether the user has already accessed the website.
The cookies generated by the website do not constitute a danger of unauthorized acquisition of sensitive data for the user's computer / browser.

Cookies or third party tools

Some of the third party services, such as: Google Analytic, Google Plus, Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, or other social media or their plugins may collect statistics in aggregate form and could not require the user's consent or could be managed directly by third parties and not by L’Aurora ODV.
If among these tools there were services managed by third parties, these could, in addition to what is specified and also without the knowledge of L’Aurora ODV, perform user tracking activities. For detailed information on the matter, it is advisable to consult the privacy policies of the relative services.
In no case should L’Aurora ODV or the company that takes care of the maintenance of the technological part of the site, or internal or external personnel appointed by it, be held responsible.

How to disable cookies

It is possible to deny consent to the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on your browser: unauthenticated navigation on this site will be available in any case in all its functionalities.
Below we provide links explaining how to disable cookies, or have them automatically deleted at the end of each session, for the most popular browsers (for other browsers that may be used, we suggest looking for this option in the software help):
Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari:

Facebook and any of its permissions

On this site there may be Facebook elements that may require some permissions relating to its applications, these allowing to perform actions with the user's Facebook account and to collect information, including any personal data.
For more information on the following permissions, please refer to the Facebook Permissions Documentation and the Facebook Data Policy.
The main permits required are the following:
Basic informations, the basic informations of the user registered on Facebook which normally includes the following Data: id, name, image, gender and localization language and, in some cases, Facebook Friends. If the user has made additional data publicy available, the same will be available.
Email: provides access to the user's primary email address.
Page management: allows the application to retrieve access tokens for the pages and applications that the user administers.
Insight: provides access to Insight data for pages, applications and domains that the user owns.
More about Facebook’s current and future regulations.

Google - Privacy Policy

This site could now or in the future also make use of other services offered or made available by the company Google; to consult its updated policy visit:

Google Analytic

This website coud now or in the future make use of the Google Analytics service; to consult the Google company's privacy policy regarding this service, please visit


Upon request, L’Aurora ODV is available to provide, to those who have founded and proven reason, information on personal data stored in its databases and this also about their origin and their recipients, as well as on the purpose of the collection and conservation of these informations.
L’Aurora ODV will adapt this data protection declaration from time to time in consideration of the applicable legal requirements for data protection and the guidelines dictated by the Garantor for the protection of personal data.
L’Aurora ODV considers extremely important the trust the users demonstrate by voluntarily providing their personal data and will always be available to answer any questions relating to the processing and storage of personal data provided and in its possession.
If you have any questions about the processing and storage of personal data that are not answered in this declaration or if you want more information on a specific aspect of the same, please contact L’Aurora ODV.


The subject to whom the personal data refer has the right at any time to obtain confirmation or not of their existence and to know their content, origin and to verify their accuracy or to request their updating, integration or correction. He has the right to request their cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking, and to oppose in any case for legitimate reasons to their processing.
In order to carry out the above, the owner of the personal data, for the exercise of his rights, can make a request concerning the above-mentioned references of L’Aurora ODV.
Requests must be addressed directly to L’Aurora ODV, by telephone or email.


L’Aurora ODV, as Titular of the processing of personal data, reserves the right to make modifications to this document at any time.
All versions of this document will be dated to the last modification and published promptly on this page.